Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday Thoughts


Making: I'm about to put a dent in my fall craft supply pile! Sugar skull mask, annual leaf garland (my sweet friend Ali and I made some out of felt and yarn last fall), black rose crown, card stock owl posters, and a coffee table tray that's gonna take a whole lot of Mod Podge'in

Anticipating: AUTUMN. And a visit from our good friend Terry next week. And a bunch of shows coming up, like Teenage Bottle Rocket!

Learning: More about social networking on the business end. Facebook "likes" really matter, folks!

Listening to: Sorry About Tomorrow by Hot Rod Circuit. I've been listening to a lot of nostalgia albums lately. It's always such a fun trip down memory lane. Well, aside from those songs that aren't fun, that teenage me used to listen to on repeat during periods of intense brooding.*

*This still happens

Wearing: My new favorite black pants, which are from Target, which are skinny stretchy slacks. They make me feel like Audrey Hepburn. A mossy green J.Crew tee and black oxford flats. Work clothes.

Speaking of work, it's time to get back to that.. :)

xo, Corinne

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