Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Home is wherever I'm with you

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The past few days of my life were spent at home, on Long Island and in Manhattan, with all (subtract one because Andrew couldn't make it) of the people that I love. Fall in New York is such an experience, every year, even for someone whose lived there for twenty five years. I'm so grateful that I was able to travel back there. My past five months in Nashville have been incredible, and in no way do I plan on leaving here any time soon. But the amount of love I have in my heart for New York is vast and left me feeling really full and inspired.
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It felt so good to be home celebrating birthdays, marriage, life and each other with family and friends. After every wedding I've been to in recent years I leave with this feeling of "WHY did that night have to end?!". Weddings are great, man. I am so happy and proud of my cousin Dan and his wife, my new cousin-in-law Jackie. I'm also so glad that I got to spend as much time as I could with my friends, around fires, dancing and just having fun. Another highlight was the Ace Hotel in midtown Manhattan, where we stayed. So incredible. You can see all of my photos (and there are many) from this past week on my Instagram.

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