Tuesday, February 14, 2012

7 pm, Valentine's Day

Men of Walgreens, I salute you.

I just had to snap a photo of these guys. This was after I left work, around 7 o'clock. I wish I could be in their heads for that "oh no..." moment today.

Tonight I hand crafted my love a Valentine (I can't wait for him to come home), and also made myself some things while eating pizza, drinking wine, and listening to Rilo Kiley. I would've taken some photos, but my friend Max just invented something really rad and is borrowing my camera to photograph it. Photos can wait, I'll let him become a millionaire. Bros before blogging.

Hope you all had a sweet day <3.


  1. OMG. That photo is absolutely hilarious! And I'm sure your man will love what you made him!!

    1. He always does :) even if the last few things I've made him were felt ornaments.. I'm lucky.

      I'm glad you found the photo funny! I definitely did a double take down the aisle and realized that I was witnessing something great. So I walked down to the birthday cards and snuck a shot ;)


  2. Bahaha, there is always a crowd in the card aisle on Valentine's Day! An heck yes we can be best friends! I work at one with a drive thru though. I am so nervous!

    1. The Starbucks I worked in was ONLY a drive thru! It got a little hectic while people were heading to work, but I survived and I know you will too, new best friend! <3 You're probably going to love it. I did. Baristas are an interesting breed.

    2. Corinne speaks the truth regarding the latte hut. Once you get the hang of it, its cake. Trust me, I did it for a looooooong time. She's also right about baristas - they are a rare breed, but they're good folks.

  3. Lmao! Love thiss! Last minute shopperss


    1. I can't tell if these guys are normies or not!

  4. Replies
    1. I've come back to this photo every day since for a smile


You're probably about to make me smile.